
High Tech Halloween Carving

I would imagine that Marilyn never thought she would be a subject on a pumpkin!

 QR Code lasered into a pumpkin. A guy was standing trying to capture it with his phone, but I don't think he ever succeeded.

EEEECK!   a spider

These were at Maker Faire in Phoenix on October 15th.... 


Country Chic and Vintage Linen

I was doing one of my favorite things the other day...rummaging through an antique shop. I came across the best stall ever! Full of vintage fabric, trims, buttons.....oh my!  Thankfully someone cruises around the shop to carry your items up front, because my arms were full. It probably works out well for them also, since you tend to forget how much you have that all mine?  YAY!

This is one of the creations from that fabric and I still have yards and yards left!


Caricature in Pottery

 There were a lot of incredible inventions and ideas at Maker Faire in Phoenix last weekend 
(see below). 

 One of the most entertaining was the potter who created caricatures. 

  I stood and watched him create one of a little girl.

  She was adorable and he was amazing.


Do You Know this Man?

Who does he remind you of?

Look at all of his'll be amazed by what you find.



 It was my birthday on Saturday and I woke up to this deliciousness!

This is the before...

After the first wonderful bite!
Glad I had someone to share them with....thanks sweetie!

If you live in the Phoenix area these mouth-watering cupcakes can be found 


Historic Hand Embroidery

Amazing aren't they?

I have been doing some research on embroidery. I am fascinated with pieces that are related to the "order of the golden fleece." As I delve more into this subject I will update you on what I have found. But for now...enjoy this beautiful hand embroidery.

The cope was made between 1433 and 1442, designed by Robert Campin. Produced in the workshop of Thierry du Chastel, an embroider who originally came from Paris.

Can you imagine how many hours were spent creating these pieces?  The gold is real gold...


She Wore Blue Velvet

I've had some hand dyed velvet in my stash for a while now. I purchased it from someone on Etsy and didn't end up using it for a project that I had in mind. I spied it as I was looking for something else...and well....I didn't find that something  But as soon as I touched that velvet I thought about how luxurious that would feel around my wrist...or your wrist!

I started gathering some pieces of tatting, lace, buttons and fiber and came up with this.  Guess what?  Now my work table is a mess again...but I'm not going to clean it up right away.  I have another velvet cuff to's a bit darker blue then this one!

Oh, do you like that song "she wore blue velvet" by Bobby Vinton?  Did you ever see the movie American Graffiti?


It's A Dogs Life

 Ohhhh, it's been a really difficult day.  Chasing balls..Sasha chasing me...barking...begging for treats

Warming up a bit

 Sitting and contemplating life

Sasha, there's no room for you here on this step...

It's your turn's the towel?


Thank You Cards

During our travels I take a lot of pictures. They just sit, lonely on my computer and have been begging to be shared. After looking through them I decided to create some moo postcards and include them as thank you gifts to my customers.

Have you ever used Moo to create business cards?  Well if not, let me tell you they are the best thing since birthday cake (and you thought I would say sliced bread...)

For one price you can get quantities that included being able to print a different photo on each and every card.  This is what I did with my postcards.  I received them the other day and now I wish I had printed two of each card, so that I could keep one for myself....I love them!

They are post card size and would fit nicely in a small frame.  The quality is excellent and even though I'm a bit biased the pictures are beautiful. They would look lovely in almost any setting.

I'm going to get some others printed for another idea and I'll let you know how that works out.


Wedding Memories

What are the special keepsakes from your wedding?  Photos, the top of the cake, a wedding garter? I was asked to create eight of my bridal cuffs and a ring bearer pillow for a bride which will become a keepsake for her and her attendants on this special day.

It's such a joy to work on this type of project. As I stitched I thought about other weddings and how special the memories are and will always be.

I would be happy to create heirlooms like this for your wedding....

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