
Artisan Gallery Team -- September Collection

Sarah John Afana


Kathi Roussel



Joe Papendick

Happy Huismus


The Crow and the Key Hand Embroidery

I really enjoy creating embroidery designs for these wood frames. I wanted to do something a bit more dark, or in a Steampunk genre. It's also a great design for the upcoming haunting, Halloween season.

Look for some new Steampunk cuffs arriving in my shop soon!


Windmill Electricity Propellers

At the same time we were traveling around Arizona we saw a train pulling 20 cars of windmill blades. From a distance it was difficult to tell what they were. Glad to see they are on their way to begin creating green electricity.


Sign Obsession While Traveling

Yep, it's back again...signs. Glad you are so patient with my obsession. You don't realize how many other shots I have from other travels, at some point I will share those as well. These were all taken in Arizona the day we (me) decided that finding the best root beer around was a good idea.

These never turn out to be the best shots, since we are driving as I take pictures. We probably would never get to our destination if I made D stop every time I needed/wanted to take a photo.

I hope signs like this stay preserved for a long time since they take you back to another era. One of these evenings I'm going to drive around Phoenix at night and get pictures of the ones around here lit up.


Embroidery Brainstorming and Design

I have four of these huge ikea wardrobes and they are the best thing since sliced bread. Yes, the doors are almost always left open with drawers pulled out. I can't even show you my design table right now....really bad. Once I get my studio cleaned up...I'll give you a peak at everything. All of my embroidery supplies live in these wardrobes, along with the tools I use for other creating. So....this is where it really all begins...

Shiny Brite ornaments have been my current muse. In this case most of the design is easy, but I'm already trying to decide on how to make that center portion come to life in my embroidery design. I try to break the whole down into manageable design elements. I also simplify elements as much as I can so that the embroidery doesn't become too complicated.

Ideas run wild in my head. I look at something and my brain makes the leap to the colors and shapes that make up the item. I start thinking in terms of embroidery thread and what colors I will need and what stitches to use.

I may begin designing on paper with colored pencils, or I may begin on the computer. If I hand draw the design then I will transfer the image into my drawing program to refine and get to the measurement or size that I want the completed item to be.

Here's my color palette. Embroidery thread chart and my notes detailing the colors I think that I want to use. As I take needle to fabric the colors and types of stitches I want to use may change. (actually they often do)

It's time to choose the fabric. If I'm making a cuff I decide between linen, cotton, or felt to place the embroidery on. I also need to choose a backing. I love to find unusual fabrics and prefer designs made in linen for the lining. I look for specialized designs and love to use independent fabric designers. I think how a creation is finished is as important as the design.

Then the fun begins. I sit down in my favorite chair...surrounded by all of the tools, thread, buttons, fabric that I'll need. My favorite scissors and the best needles around...John James! I create a sample piece if it's a first time design. Sometimes the sample turns out exactly the way I want and I can use it for the final composition. However, in this case the piece didn't turn out the way I wanted so it sits in a box with other samples.

After some thinking and redesigning the final piece is mounted and finished. Ready for its photo shoot and listing to be sold!

Artist Series -- Hoganfe Handmade

Have you seen Hoganfe Handmade amazing bags? I love all of the fabric's that she chooses. Don't stand around and gaze at the stars or you might miss her newest bag design... I love the Origami bag and if I didn't love my teeny tiny bag that I've been carrying for (well I won't tell you how long) a while I would buy that bag! Ok, the other amazing thing about Mary is that she lives in Alaska! Seems I've made a friend with someone with the polar opposite weather as myself...There are time when I wish we could trade weather for a few hours...like today....

1. When did you become interested in art and did you choose art, or did it choose you?

I believe it was inherited. Going back thru my family history & also the current young adults; there are lots of artistic members in my family.

2. What do you like best about creating?

The creative discovery & the completed results of an idea are the exciting parts to me!

3. You get to spend one weekend each with three historical figures, an artist, a writer and one of your choice. Who are they and what will you talk about or do?

It is tough to narrow it down to just three but here goes:

Artist - Leonardo da Vinci we would discuss art, science & inventions
Writer- Shakespeare to see if he was a real person or a group of writers lol!
3rd choice is John Dee from the Elizabethan era - ask him loads of questions about his work for Queen Elizabeth, spying & a long list of other subjects!

4. How has the popularity of the Internet affected your work?

The internet made it possible to work directly from my home. This was not even a consideration prior to the internet.

5. Have you discovered any new technique to creating your work that you can share?

Yes but it is a tiny discovery but made my life easier. When threading a needle wet the thread as usual but also wet the needle-hole works every time!

6. How do you overcome artist block?

I have yet to get a block lol! I have a ton ideas & need more hours in my day!

7. If I walked into your studio this moment what would you show me first?

My newest creation!

What would you want to hide? My studio floor - loaded with scraps by the end of each day!

8. Describe something that comes up in your work because of a life experience?

COLOR! Love & need it especially here in Alaska!
You will probably notice my designs are colorful

9. Here’s $250 dollars, spend as much or as little as you like on Etsy.

It is funny I went to my etsy favs & all I have there is fabric!

Cliff Diver - Recycled Glass Beads

Queen Anne's Lace Hand Embroidered Pillow

Washout - Original Watercolor Painting

Cherry, Pistachio and Belgian Chocolate

Rose Petal Marshmallows

10. Describe what you do or who you are in a haiku.

FUN Handmade Handbags

Original & Quality

LOVE Custom Orders

11. Is there anything else that you would like to share?

Thank you Rose for this interview.

Your blog is unique & interesting!


Best Root Beer, Oprah, Storms and Prison Break

Last Saturday I woke up thinking about root beer. I had heard that the best was in Kingman, Arizona. We live in Phoenix, so it is about 2 hours away.

Not only the best root beer, but per Oprah the best hamburgers and onion rings! I asked D if he was interested in taking a long drive for lunch. He was completely "in." Not only for lunch, but the possibility of driving through interesting weather.

If you live in Arizona you understand. Thunderstorms and the rainy smell of Mesquite.We drove through a few storms on the way there, but nothing that was really exciting.

We got to Kingman and found Mr. D'z. The parking lot was pretty full and when we walked in it was busy. We were able to sit down immediately and we ordered hamburgers and onion rings. Even though I had my camera right there...I totally forgot to take a picture of my food! Yes, it was that good.

Now on to the root beer.... I can't even explain to you how good it is! It is served in a frosted mug and you get free refills! The owner created a recipe that includes a caramel flavor that makes it smooth and rich. We brought six bottles home and I dare D to drink even one of them! Really....I'm not kidding about this. (D if you are reading this...i mean it!)

....this is the first time we have ever been to Kingman. I wake up thinking about rootbeer, we drive to Kingman. On the way, D says, "did you hear there was a prison break in Arizona," I say, "no, where?" (there are several prisons here) He says, "I don't know." Then we go on about our day. After lunch I'm using my iphone for more driving directions and weather maps, since we have to find some really awesome weather. At the top of the screen it says, "Arizona Prison Break." I take note that it still doesn't say where.

We finally found the perfect storm....

We get home, turn on the late local news. Kingman. That's where the prison break happened just that morning.


The winner is...

Congratulations! MAB Jewelery!
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