
Name the Movie Contest

I was watching a movie over the weekend and was amazed and delighted by something I saw one of the actors doing. I captured a few screen images and decided to amuse everyone who reads my blog.

With just these images answer these two questions:

What is the significance to me....or what delighted me?
What is the name of this movie?

What do you win? One of these....

leave your contact information...I'll announce the winner on July 30th. Winner to be chosen from all correct answers.

Tweet once a day for additional entries!


Jeep Dog in Arizona

We were driving to Sedona and I spotted this dog in a jeep. When I first saw him I couldn't figure out how he could stay up on that ledge. After a closer look at the jeep there was a bar that he braced himself against. We were behind this jeep for about 10 miles. We spotted them parked at a restaurant....hopefully the doggie gets a treat too!


AEIOU remember those vowels!

At the time it was exciting and painful to keep practicing and practicing those lower case letters. The special paper with the solid and dashed lines with wide spacing. Secretly envying those older kids that got to use paper with narrow lines that snapped into a three-ring binder....

My newest creation!


Artist Series -- MAB Jewelry

Ohio. That's where this friendly Etsy seller is from. You what....I say....hey Ohio is home for me and I miss it terribly! MABs tag line is No Naked Wrists. As you read this interview you will understand why. When you visit her shop....she has some lovely pieces to keep your wrists from becoming chilled....and in style! You can also find her on twitter and she is one of my favorites to chat with. She certainly makes me smile. Enjoy getting to know MAB Jewelry!

1. When did you become interested in art and did you choose art, or did it choose you?

I've never been an arts or crafts person. I did a lot of writing when I was younger, but I wasn't one to make stuff. About seven years ago, my mom decided to make herself a bracelet. Then she made me a bracelet. Then we went to the bead shop. Not long after that, everyone who knew me had a brand new bracelet. I've always loved jewelry and fashion, and I discovered my calling, I think. I am seldom happier or more content than I am when I'm sitting at my bead board with a bunch of shiny bits, putting something together.

2. You get to spend one weekend each with three historical figures, an artist, a writer and one of your choice. Who are they and what will you talk about or do?

Artist, Gustav Klimt. Writer, Walt Whitman. And Twenties flapper actress Louise Brooks. Can you imagine a champagne brunch with these three, talking about human nature and art? Oh, let's go now. I want Klimt to do my portrait!

3. How has the popularity of the Internet affected your work?Having an internet shop allows you to reach so many people. That, paired with the fact that you have such amazing access to any supply that you want from all over the world, really means that the sky is the limit in terms of what you can create. As soon as I started selling on Etsy, I began making jewelry that I never would have thought of before, just because it felt like the whole world was my market. It's liberating.

4. How do you overcome artist block?

I've been making these steampunk pieces with watch casings that are fairly new for me. They're a bit more labor intense, but I love them. I don't usually get artist's block. I always work in the evening, and sometimes I just don't make it to the beads at night. The bed is calling me. And any time I get in a rut, I order supplies. New supplies are instant inspiration.

5. If I walked into your studio this moment what would you show me first? What would you want to hide?

Heh heh. My studio is my living room floor. Everything gets packed up and put away in the hall closet every night when I'm done working. I'd want to show you the amazing new stuff I just got in the mail today from Artbeads, including these groovy Vintaj fish pendants. I would hide the poor boxes of beads up in the top of the closet that I don't even look at. Unless you might be able to use them?

6. Describe something that comes up in your work because of a life experience?
I love movies, art and vintage stuff.

I'm very visual, and I think all of that trickles down into my jewelry. Old movies, paintings, even the little antique bits that I use when I make pieces. I collect strange little vintage items because I have loved them since I was little. So much of my jewelry looks like little vintage items!

7. Here’s $250 dollars, spend as much or as little as you like on Etsy.

I have 371 listings and 1167 shops in my favorites. I could spend $250 in twelve seconds.

I really want this:

Carly Simon Record Album Purse8. Describe what you do or who you are in a haiku

Strangers on a Train
On TV, bead board full of

Bliss, cat in my lap

9. Is there anything else that you would like to share?

Can I just say how much I love Etsy? Not just because I can sell stuff there, but because I have met the most wonderful, inspirational, good hearted, funny, smart people there. Etsy and its community have truly made me a better artist. And you Rose are one of those delightful Etsy people making incredibly inspirational stuff. Thanks so much.


Do you love Shiny Christmas Ornaments?

Me too!

I could look at my grandmothers Christmas tree for a very long time. Hunting and hunting for all of the shiny brite ornaments I could find. Beautiful, vibrant colors. Amazing shapes. Sparkly texture. Beautiful and fragile.

I have a few of those ornaments, still. As I rearranged some things last winter I came across them and decided to leave them out for a while. Then they ended up on my design table....if you are creative, you know what happened next.

They never knew what hit them. I sat there just looking at them and sketching....then some watercolor... Now how do I get that sparkly texture? Before long the sketch was transferred to my computer drawing program. From there it turned into an embroidery design. I have resisted putting my embroidery into hoops. Not a snooty response, just one knowing that a lot of time and effort goes into each piece and I would hate for it not to last like heirlooms of the past.

I've designed my hoops a little differently so that they last and become future heirlooms. You may ask, "well how did you do that?" ....shhhhhh


Etsy Project Embrace Storque Feature

If you are a regular visitor you have seen me feature creations by many of the talented members of Etsy Project Embrace. Now, it is my pleasure to let you know that this wonderful team has been featured in Etsy's Storque. Click on the picture and get the story as to why those two lovely ladies are such an important piece of the well as many others!

The last time I reported how much has been raised by this team it was around $10,000, so happy to say that we have almost reached our next goal of $12,000.

Woo Hoo.
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